The Al-Quran (Free) application is a part of the famous book download site, WorldWideWeb. This application is a part of a small group of applications that offer free downloads from a wide range of e-books. It is a part of the "Books of the Muslim World" application. This application is developed by a group of people who created this application based on the "Books of the Muslim World" application for free download of the Quranic text.
Al-Quran (Free) has one main aim, and that is to make it easier for users to download Quran from any place and anytime. As such, users can download this application and use it as a part of their mobile phone as well as for downloading other apps. This application has more features than other download applications. The users can perform different applications like registering of accounts, registering of feeds, storing of database and storage of preferences. There are also many other applications that can be downloaded from this application.
Al-Quran (Free) is also a part of the "Books of the Muslim World" application. It is a site that offers Quran with other text books and e-books to its subscribers. This site is a part of the "Books of the Muslim World" application. The e-books and texts from this application can be downloaded and used with the help of this application. There are many other applications that can be downloaded from this application. All the applications that are available on this application are available for free download.